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Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 11:49:57 +0100 (BST)
William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: European
Court of Human Rights (COE Case Reference: 25077/05)
To: "The
Registrar, European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg."
CC: "Commissioner for Human Rights of the
Council of Europe \(Alvaro Gil-Robles\)"
<commissioner.humanrights@coe.int>, Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde OBE
<information@nipolicingboard.org.uk>, "Garda Commissioner Noel Conroy
\(Chief Commissioner of Police, Republic of Ireland\)" <comstaff@iol.ie>,
Anne.Scott@ni-ombudsman.org.uk, ombudsman@ni-ombudsman.org.uk, "Rosemary
Henderson \(Complaints Manager, Northern Ireland Western Health & Social
Services Board\)" <Rosemary.Henderson@whssb.n-i.nhs.uk>, "The Convenor
\(Western Health & Social Services Board, Northern Ireland\)"
<info@whssb.n-i.nhs.uk>, "Gerard J Madden \(Senior Social Worker\)"
Dear Sir / Madam,
It would be very much appreciated if you would please take careful note of the contents of the e-mail below (sent by me yesterday to law firm Madden & Finucane in Belfast) which I believe are self-explanatory.
Later today, I plan to send a printed and signed copy of this e-mail to you through the registered post.
I am copying this e-mail to the police because of concerns I feel for my own safety in connection with my opposition to what I very strongly suspect is the unlawful destruction and neglect of important heritage sites in the Republic of Ireland (by the government); and, to what I also very strongly suspect are unlawful plans (fully supported by central government) to locate two huge rubbish dumps within a mile or so of my home in County Galway (Republic of Ireland).
Further information regarding the environmental issues referred to above can be found at the following Internet addresses:
Hill of Tara Heritage Sites:
Kilconnell Rubbish Dump and the failed attempt (baulked by lack of
Legal Aid funding) to have the constitutionality of the alterations made
in 2001 to the Waste Management Act (Republic of Ireland) checked by the
High Court:
Woodlawn House:
1) Frederick
Mason Trench (Second Baron Ashtown):
3) Mary Hanna (Heritage Council) visit to
Woodlawn House on October 18th 2001:
Please note that, according to reports I have recently received from a close relative who lives in the area, construction of the huge Celtic Waste / National Toll Roads rubbish dump in the Kilconnell area (located within a short distance of Woodlawn House) began several weeks ago.
With the amazing information relating to the extremely serious psychological
damage caused by bullying outlined in the e-mail below in mind, I am also
copying this e-mail to the group of three people connected with the complaint I
have made regarding the way consultant psychiatrist Dr Foster forced me
out of hospital, and onto the street, just before last Christmas - totally
against my wishes, and against the wishes of some members of his support staff -
and in circumstances whereby I was feeling extremely distressed, had no place to
stay, very little money on me at the time, knew nobody locally, and was finding
it impossible get any legal assistance. Further information (which
contains two sets of Northern Ireland reference numbers) regarding this matter
can be viewed at:
To my great dismay, I have recently been informed by the Convenor (Ms Aine Downey) that she has decided - after all of 9 months or so considering the matter - not to refer my complaint regarding the way Dr Foster treated me to the Independent Review Board. As it is the case that I feel deeply disturbed by her decision (for several reasons), I fully intend to ask the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints to investigate this whole matter as soon as I feel able to do so: and I will be stressing my wish that they take very careful note of the information connected with the severe damage caused by bullying, which can very easily be found (by all concerned) via the Internet links provided in the e-mail below to law firm Madden & Finucane (Belfast).
Sometime within the coming few days, I also plan to place a copy of this
email at the following address:
You may find it useful to know that translation facilities will be made available at the above address.
Yours faithfully,
William Finnerty.
"St Albans"
New Inn
County Galway
Republic of
PRINTED COPY (by hand) to: Dr Michael Mc Cavert GP (Omagh Health Centre, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland).
+++ +++ +++
William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:21:09 +0100
From: William Finnerty
Subject: European Court of
Human Rights (COE Case Reference: 25077/05)
To: "Mr Paul
Lenahan \(Madden & Finucane Law Firm, Belfast.\)"
CC: "Gerard J Madden
\(Senior Social Worker\)" <gmadden@slt.n-i.nhs.uk>
Dear Mr Lenahan,
I was very pleased to learn yesterday from Mr Gerard Madden (Senior Social Worker, Omagh, County Tyrone) that your law firm might be able to help me regarding the legal difficulties outlined below.
Background information which indicates where I am "stuck" at the
present time (regarding my application to the European Court of Human
Rights) can be found in the paragraph marked "4)" of the
e-mail reproduced at the following Internet address:
Some of the difficulties I have had up to now regarding my efforts
to locate the kind of legal help I feel I need have been outlined in the
September 7th 2005 letter text to my GP (Dr Michael
McCavert) which I have reproduced at:
As I discussed at some length yesterday with Mr Madden, several of
the more worrying medical symptoms I now suffer from are very accurately
described in publications I have found in recent days through Internet search
engines using entries such as "ptsd, bullying, workplace" - as, for
example, those provided in the following Google list:
As I pointed out to Mr Madden yesterday, the bulling I feel I am being subjected to, by so called "public servants", is very much worse (in one respect) than anything I have so far seen described for "workplace bullying": in that whereas a person being bullied at work can normally get some considerable relief by staying away from the workplace for a while, I have had to actually leave my country, and my home, to escape the particular forms of public-servant bullying which I am being subjected to. In all, I have already had a total of some 16 months or so of such "forced exile" to date.
I feel I should try to stress that one subtle (though for me very disturbing and damaging) aspect of the bulling I am being subjected arises from the fact that the public servants in question completely ignore (in effect) all of the contents of all of my letters: often to the extent that I do not even know if they have actually received the letters I have sent to them through the post or not. In other words, I do not even receive an "acknowledgement of receipt" from them.
I feel I should also mention that I was initially very shocked to see a statement in one of the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) papers I have recently read which states that "recovery from a bullying experience is measured in years". (Further information on this point can be found under the heading: "Mapping the health effects of bullying onto PTSD and Complex PTSD" in Section "E." at: http://www.bullyonline.org/stress/ptsd.htm )
However, on reflection I would like to think, and I realise it might just be "wishful thinking" of course, that - with the right combination of medical and legal help - I could very largely recover from the psychological injury resulting from my long drawn out bullying ordeal (now of some 7 years standing or so) in 12 months or less possibly.
Conversely though, there is also the huge worry (for me) that it might take very much longer, and possibly never happen at all, with the wrong kind of "help".
One further concern for me is that the final winner in the legal battle I am involved in, entirely against my own wishes please note, may simply be the side with the largest financial resources (regardless of all other considerations). As I cannot possibly come remotely close to matching the combined financial resources available to people such as Prime Minister Ahern, Prime Minister Blare, and EU Commission President Barroso, it seems to me that the matter of I successfully gaining access to adequate Legal Aid funding is an absolute must, and something which would need to be carefully considered at a very early stage - if I am to stand any reasonable chance of avoiding yet more psychological trauma and injury in the future.
It would be very much appreciated if you could let myself or Mr Madden know as soon as you reasonably can if your law firm can help me regarding the above mentioned legal matters please.
I look forward to learning of your answer.
Yours sincerely,
William Finnerty.
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